SE Digest 178
Homeline™ Miniature Circuit Breakers
Homeline Plug-On Circuit Breakers Class 1170 / Refer to Catalog 1100CT0501
Homeline Dual Function Circuit Breaker (HOM-DF) Homeline Combination Arc Fault and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (Dual Function)— Provide overload and short circuit protection, plus arc fault and ground fault protection in a single device in accordance with the NEC, UL1699 and UL943. Table 1.43: HOM-DF Circuit Breakers Circuit Breaker Type Ampere Rating Poles 120Vac Cat.No. Combination Arc-Fault and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter with Pigtail Neutral 15A 1 HOM115DF [6] 20A 1 HOM120DF [6] Homeline Equipment Protection Device (HOM-EPD) Homeline Equipment Protection Device—Circuit Breakers with 30 mA Equipment Ground Fault Protection (UL Listed). Table 1.44: HOM-EPD Circuit Breakers Amperes 1P—120Vac 2P—120/240 Vac Common Trip 15A HOM115EPD HOM215EPD OBS 20A HOM120EPD HOM220EPD 25A — HOM225EPD 30A — HOM230EPD 40A — HOM240EPD 50A — HOM250EPD OBS This product is obsolete. Homeline Tandem and Quad Tandem Circuit Breakers (HOMT) Table 1.45: HOMT Tandem Circuit Breakers Ampere Rating [7] AIR 1P Tandem—120/240 Vac (One Space Required) 15and15A 10kA HOMT1515 [6] 15and20A 10kA HOMT1520 [6] 20and20A 10kA HOMT2020 [6] 30and15A 10kA HOMT3015 [6] 30and20A 10kA HOMT3020 [6] Plug-On Neutral Combination Arc-Fault and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter 15A 20A 1 1 HOM115PDF [6] HOM120PDF [6]
HOM1PDF Pigtail
HOM1PDF Plug-on Neutral
Table 1.46: HOMT Quad Tandem 1P Circuit Breakers Ampere Rating [7] AIR
2P Tandem—120/240 Vac (Two Spaces Required)
(2) 15A (2) 15A (2) 15A (2) 15A (2) 15A (2) 15A (2) 20A (2) 20A (2) 20A (2) 20A (2) 20A
15A 20A 25A 30A 40A 50A 20A 25A 30A 40A 50A
10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA 10kA
HOMT1515215 HOMT1515220
HOMT1515225 OBS
HOMT1515230 HOMT1515240 HOMT1515250 HOMT2020220 HOMT2020225 HOMT2020230 HOMT2020240 HOMT2020250
HOMTQuad Circuit Breaker 2 Spaces Required
OBS This product is obsolete. NOTE: Typical catalog no. (e.g. HOMT 1515230) represents two 1P, outer poles (two 15 A 1P CBs) and one 2P inner circuit breaker with common trip (one 30 A 2P CB). Table 1.47: HOMT Quad Tandem 2P Circuit Breakers Ampere Rating [7] AIR (2) 2P Tandem—120/240 Vac (Two Spaces Required) 2P 2P 15A 15A 10kA HOMT215215 15A 20A 10kA HOMT215220 15A 25A 10kA HOMT215225 15A 30A 10kA HOMT215230 15A 40A 10kA HOMT215240 15A 50A 10kA HOMT215250 20A 20A 10kA HOMT220220 20A 25A 10kA HOMT220225 20A 30A 10kA HOMT220230 20A 40A 10kA HOMT220240 20A 50A 10kA HOMT220250 25A 25A 10kA HOMT225225 25A 30A 10kA HOMT225230 25A 40A 10kA HOMT225240 25A 50A 10kA HOMT225250 30A 30A 10kA HOMT230230 30A 40A 10kA HOMT230240 30A 50A 10kA HOMT230250 NOTE: Typical catalog no. (i.e. HOMT215230) represents two 2P; outer poles (one 15 A 2P with common trip) and inner poles (one 30 A 2P with common trip).
[6] UL Listed as HACR type for use with air conditioning, heating and refrigeration equipment haing motor group combinations and marked for use with HACR type circuit breakers. [7] 15– 20 A tandem or quad tandem circuit breakers are suitable for use with 60 o C or 75 o C conductors. 25– 50 A tandem or quad tandem circuit breakers are suitable for use with 75 o C conductors only.
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