SE Digest 178

PowerLogic™ Energy and Power Management Systems


Class 3030

Com’X Data Loggers and Energy Servers

Powerful data logging with flexible communication options Connect your entire power system with Com’X data loggers and energy servers. Com’X surpasses conventional gateways and data loggers by incorporating multiple capabilities into one compact device. In addition to being a real-time gateway to downstream devices, Com’x logs all essential WAGES and environmental readings through a broad range of downstream data feeds and local I/O. Logged data can be automatically pushed to a hosted platform or downloaded for report generation. Ethernet and Wi-Fi ready, Com’x leverages on the building’s existing IT infrastructure to reduce cost. Its GPRS capability makes it ideal for sites with no access to IT networks. Easy configuration and commissioning Configuration and commissioning is made easy by automatic device detection, and IP address setting and allocation. No additional software is needed for the intuitive, web based configuration pages. A device library enables quick configuration for more than 70 Modbus devices and also provides for custom configuration of additional devices. Configuration via Wi-Fi lets technicians use tablets or notebooks to work comfortably away from switchboard rooms.

Com’X 510 Energy Sever


Com’X 510 Energy Dashboard

Embedded energy management software The Com’X 510 Energy Server further includes embedded web pages that display data in a meaningful way so you can make informed decisions about your energy usage. Web pages display real-time data in easy to understand tabular and summary formats. In addition, you can access simple analysis of historical data in bar graph or trending formats. Pages are accessible via any standard web browser without plug-ins or additional components. Table 4.34: Com'X Data Loggers, Energy Services, and Accessories Description Catalog Number Com’X210 Data logger, requires 24 VDC power supply EBX210 Com’X510 Energy server, requires 24 VDC power supply EBX510 Wi-Fi USB stick EBXAUSBWIFI Zigbee USB stick EXBAUSBZIGBEE GPRS modem with SIM card EBXAGPRSSIM GPRS modem without SIM card EBXAGPRS External GPRS antenna EBXAANT5M



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