Basic Functions Features
A l a r m h i s t o r y The past 16 alarms are recorded in the servo amplifier. The alarms can be checked in a list with MR Configurator2. T e s t o p e r a t i o n Before starting actual operation, perform test operation to make sure that the machine operates normally. The following can be performed using MR Configurator2. JOG operation Test operation function for checking a speed control operation without a command from a controller. Positioning operation Test operation function for checking a positioning operation by position control without a command from a controller. Motor-less operation Without connecting a servo motor, this function outputs signals in response to the input device and displays status as if the servo motor is actually running. The motor-less operation is useful for checking the sequence of controller, etc. Program operation Without using a controller, this function enables positioning operation consisting of multiple simple operation patterns. Output signal (DO) forced output This function switches output signals on/off forcibly independently of the servo status, useful for checking the output signal wirings. M u l t i - a x i s a d j u s t m e n t f u n c t i o n This function simultaneously adjusts parallel drive axes which make the same motion and also executes test operation and gain adjustment for up to four axes at the same time. The target axes can be selected with a simple operation on engineering software. * This function is available when the servo amplifier is used with RnMTCPU or RD77MS. P r e s s u r e c o n t r o l f u n c t i o n Pressure sensor signals are directly inputted to the servo amplifier, enabling high-response feedback control and pressure control. * Pressure control compatible servo amplifier (MR-J4-B-LL) is necessary. Servo status such as torque and servo motor speed is outputted in terms of voltage in real time. * Not available with MR-J4W2-B/MR-J4-W3-B. A n a l o g m o n i t o r o u t p u t
O u t p u t s i g n a l s e l e c t i o n ( d e v i c e s e t t i n g s ) Function assigned to each pin for digital output can be changed by setting parameters. I n p u t s i g n a l s e l e c t i o n ( d e v i c e s e t t i n g s ) Function assigned to each pin for digital input can be changed by setting parameters. * Available with MR-J4-GF and MR-J4-A. E n c o d e r o u t p u t p u l s e Encoder output pulses can be outputted in the differential line driver type as A/B/Z-phase pulse. Output pulse per servo motor revolution can be set with the parameter. * MR-J4W2-B outputs A/B-phase pulse. MR-J4W3-B is not compatible with this function. A / B - p h a s e p u l s e t h r o u g h o u t p u t With this function, when an A/B/Z-phase differential output type linear encoder is used, A/B/Z-phase signals from the linear encoder are outputted as encoder output pulses. The signals from the linear encoder are used by a controller without being branched. * Available only with MR-J4-GF-RJ/MR-J4-B-RJ/MR-J4-A-RJ. M o n i t o r i n g ( S t a t u s d i s p l a y ) Servo status such as regenerative load ratio, effective load ratio, instantaneous torque, or servo motor speed can be monitored on MR Configurator2. For MR-J4-A, the status is also confirmed on the seven-segment LED display. C l o s e m o u n t i n g Close mounting is possible for 200 V 3.5 kW or smaller, 100 V, and 48 V DC/24 V DC servo amplifiers. Mounting space efficiency is significantly improved. * When the servo amplifiers are closely mounted, the operation environment condition is different. * Close mounting is not possible when the servo amplifiers of 1 kW and 2 kW in 200 V class are used with 1-phase power supply. D y n a m i c b r a k e The dynamic brake is designed to decelerate the servo motor immediately at an alarm occurrence, power failure, or forced stop. The dynamic brake is not for holding a shaft at a stop. * The dynamic brake is built in the 7 kW or smaller servo amplifiers. * The external dynamic brake is required for the 9 kW or larger servo amplifiers.
Some functions may not be available depending on the models. Refer to relevant Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual for details.
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