Features Basic Functions
Introducing basic functions from the conventional to the latest
Off e r i ng Va r i ous Bas i c Func t i ons
G a i n s w i t c h i n g f u n c t i o n This function enables to switch gains. Gains during rotation and during stop can be switched. Using a switching signal to switch gains is also possible during operation. F e e d f o r w a r d With this function, a position deviation is reduced to nearly zero during constant-velocity operation. This function improves the tracking of position command during trajectory control, etc. I n t e r n a l s p e e d c o m m a n d Up to seven internal speed commands can be stored in parameters. Speed control is possible without using the analog voltage command by selecting the internal speed command with input device. * Supported only by MR-J4-A. A b s o l u t e p o s i t i o n d e t e c t i o n s y s t e m Merely setting a home position once makes home position return unnecessary at every power-on. B u i l t - i n r e g e n e r a t i v e r e s i s t o r Servo amplifiers from 0.2 kW to 7 kW have a built-in regenerative resistor, saving installation space for an option and enabling more compact system. R e g e n e r a t i v e o p t i o n Use a regenerative option when the built-in regenerative resistor of the servo amplifier does not have sufficient regenerative capability. For 5 kW or larger servo amplifiers, the brake unit is available when the regenerative option does not provide enough regenerative power. * Available as an option. S l i g h t v i b r a t i o n s u p p r e s s i o n c o n t r o l This function suppresses vibration of ±1 pulse produced at a servo motor stop. P o w e r r e g e n e r a t i o n c o n v e r t e r Regenerative power is returned to the power supply and used for other systems, contributing to energy-saving. MR-CV_ power regeneration converter unit is compatible with MR-J4-DU_B_(-RJ) drive unit and MR-J4-_B_(-RJ) servo amplifier. FR-CV_ power regeneration common converter is compatible with the servo amplifiers of 100 W to 22 kW in 200 V class and 0.6 kW to 22 kW in 400 V class.
P o s i t i o n / S p e e d / T o r q u e c o n t r o l Position, speed, and torque controls are available. The position control performs positioning by following position commands and is suitable when synchronous or interpolation control is used. Speed and torque are controlled to be constant by the speed and torque controls following the speed and torque commands respectively. C o n t r o l s w i t c h i n g Control can be switched among position, speed, and torque controls. * Control can be switched between two of the controls for MR-J4-A. R e a l - t i m e a u t o t u n i n g The load to motor inertia ratio of a machine is always estimated from the servo motor current and speed during acceleration/deceleration. Therefore, gains such as model loop gain, position loop gain, and speed loop gain are automatically set just by setting the response level. M o d e l a d a p t i v e c o n t r o l Control with high responsivity and high stability is achieved according to the model control. The two-degrees-of-freedom model adaptive control enables to set the response for command and disturbance respectively. A d a p t i v e f i l t e r I I Adaptive filter II is a function in which the servo amplifier detects machine resonance for a predetermined period of time and sets the filter characteristics automatically to suppress mechanical system vibration. Since the filter characteristics (frequency and depth) are set automatically, it is not necessary to consider the resonance frequency of a mechanical system. This function is effective for the relatively high frequency of machine resonance around 100 Hz to 2.25 kHz. L o w - p a s s f i l t e r The low-pass filter suppresses high-frequency resonance which occurs as servo system response is increased. The filter is enabled as default, and the set frequency is automatically adjusted.
Some functions may not be available depending on the models. Refer to relevant Servo Amplifier Instruction Manual for details.
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