PowerStrut Catalog


Channel Loading

Polyester/Vinyl Ester Beam Loading Chart

Max. Uniform Beam Load (Safety Factor - 3:1) Load (lbs.)

Uniform Load at Defl. of 1/360 Span Deflection (in.)

Maximum Column Load (lbs.)

Part No.

Deflection (in.)

Load (lbs.) 9,454 7,007 5,961 5,160 3,439 2,759 8,866 6,501 5,509 4,704 3,136 2,351 8,181 5,909 4,979 4,168 2,778 1,862 7,405 5,236 4,375 3,553 2,369 1,298 6,451 4,482 3,698 2,859 1,906 4,534 2,809 2,254 1,636 1,091 2,902 1,798 1,442 1,047 901 507


20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000 20P/V-2100 20P/V-1600 20P/V-1100 20P/V-2000 20P/V-1500 20P/V-1000

5,559 4,836 3,804 3,561 1,950 1,629 3,706 3,224 2,536 2,374 1,300 1,086 2,780 2,418 1,902 1,781

0.028 0.043 0.082 0.102 0.093 0.151 0.064 0.096 0.183 0.230 0.209 0.340 0.113 0.171 0.326 0.410 0.371 0.605 0.177 0.267 0.509 0.640 0.580 0.945 0.254 0.384 0.734 0.922 0.836 1.360 0.452 0.683 1.304 1.638 1.486 2.418 0.707 1.067 2.038 2.560 2.321 3.779 1.018 1.536 2.935 3.686 3.343 5.441

5,559 3,778 1,556 1,159

12" Span


700 359

2,914 1,697

18" Span

691 515 311 160 944 389 290 175 604 249 185 112 730 420 173 129 57 90



24" Span


975 815

2,224 1,934 1,522 1,424


30" Span


780 652

1,853 1,612 1,268 1,187

36" Span


Tech. Data Fiberglass Power-Angle Jr. Channel Unipier ® Solar Components Concrete Inserts Electrical Pipe & Conduit Clamps Fittings Fasteners Metal Channel

650 543

78 40

1,390 1,209

410 236

48" Span

951 890 488 407 967 761 712 390 326 927 806 634 594 325 272

97 72 44 22



262 151

60" Span

62 46 28 14


698 324

182 105

2,015 1,248 1,001

72" Span

43 32 19 10


727 485 225



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